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Pilot monitoring of intertidal eastern oyster reefs within the GTM NERR and surrounding waters was initiated in 2014 and completed in 2016. The main objectives were to:


  1. evaluate the status of oyster populations in the area;
  2. provide abundance and size estimates to inform the quantification of ecosystem services provided by oysters;

  3. provide baseline estimates of reef, population, and community structure metrics for future assessments; and

  4. evaluate methods for long-term monitoring.


Oyster reefs were sampled in the winter (Jan-Mar) and summer (Jul-Sep) during 2014 – 2016 (summer only in 2014). Sampling metrics fell into three main characterizations: reef structure, oyster population structure, and community structure (see table right).

Overall, 210 reefs were sampled across the seven regions (see map right).


To check out the GTM Research Reserve's 2014-2016 Oyster Monitoring Summary click here.

For more information, please contact

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